
Showing posts from June, 2017

NASA News: Vice President Pence to Visit NASA’s Kennedy Space Center

Vice President Pence to Visit NASA's Kennedy Space Center Vice President Mike Pence will visit NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Thursday, July 6. Published June 30, 2017 Read more from NASA Manage this Applet

NASA News: NASA Statement on National Space Council

NASA Statement on National Space Council Statement from acting NASA Administrator Robert Lightfoot about Friday's Executive Order creating the National Space Council. Published June 30, 2017 Read more from NASA Manage this Applet

NASA News: Connecticut Students to Speak with NASA Astronauts on Space Station

Connecticut Students to Speak with NASA Astronauts on Space Station Students at the Wallingford Public Library in Wallingford, Connecticut, will speak with NASA astronauts living and working aboard the International Space Station at noon EDT on Thursday, July 6. Published June 30, 2017 Read more from NASA Manage this Applet

[RSS] ProfHackerProfHacker - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education / Weekend Reading: Fading Summer Edition

Weekend Reading: Fading Summer Edition Anastasia Salter Sundial, Perranporth flickr photo by Tim Green aka atoach shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license Summer is moving quickly, especially for those of us with semester start times looming just around the corner in August. This is the time of year when deadlines on the calendar are definitely closer than they appear. I for one have found myself increasingly focused on the calendar, but it's important to take a break and find time in summer for recovery and reflection. With that in mind, this week's readings focus on time and transitions. Aimée Morrison's piece Beginnings, Endings, and Transitions may be particularly timely for those of you contemplating an ending: "But some of you, like me, are not so much starting something new on Saturday, but rather ending something. Returning to regular ranks, leaving a

NASA News: NASA Television to Air Departure of U.S. Cargo Ship from International Space Station

NASA Television to Air Departure of U.S. Cargo Ship from International Space Station After delivering about 6,000 pounds of cargo, a SpaceX Dragon cargo spacecraft is set to leave the International Space Station on Sunday, July 2. NASA Television and the agency's website will provide live coverage of Dragon's departure beginning at 11:15 a.m. EDT. Published June 30, 2017 Read more from NASA Manage this Applet

NASA News: NASA Invites Public to Celebrate 100 Years of Aerospace Breakthroughs

NASA Invites Public to Celebrate 100 Years of Aerospace Breakthroughs NASA invites the public to three days of discussion and storytelling with notable aerospace experts to mark the 100th anniversary of the agency's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. Portions of the event will air live on NASA Television and the agency's website. Published June 29, 2017 Read more from NASA Manage this Applet

[RSS] ProfHackerProfHacker - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education / Open Thread Wednesday: What’s at the Bottom of your To-Do List?

Open Thread Wednesday: What's at the Bottom of your To-Do List? Anastasia Salter Every few days of summer, I recopy my to-do list to a new page of my notebook (currently, a Moleskine Professional Notebook because I like the page layouts.) Jason wrote about addressing the challenges of unstructured summer time through careful to-do list management previously: he advised making use of regular reminders to keep important tasks in front of you. I've written in the past about my preference for physical to-do lists, but I find the very act of recopying is enough reinforcement for most deadlines. The process of re-copying is mostly about adding new things: new commitments, assignments coming in for grading, new meetings, and so on. But the worst part of the process is always when I get to the bottom of the list, which is inevitably filled with the things I most dread. Often these are t

NASA News: NASA Celebrates International Asteroid Day with Special Broadcast

NASA Celebrates International Asteroid Day with Special Broadcast NASA will mark the worldwide observance of International Asteroid Day at noon EDT Friday, June 30, with a special television program featuring the agency's Planetary Defense Coordination Office and other projects working to find and study near-Earth objects (NEOs). The program will air on NASA Television and the agency's website. Published June 27, 2017 Read more from NASA Manage this Applet

NASA News: NASA Completes Milestone Toward Quieter Supersonic X-Plane

NASA Completes Milestone Toward Quieter Supersonic X-Plane NASA has achieved a significant milestone in its effort to make supersonic passenger jet travel over land a real possibility by completing the preliminary design review (PDR) of its Quiet Supersonic Transport or QueSST aircraft design. Published June 26, 2017 Read more from NASA Manage this Applet

[RSS] ProfHackerProfHacker - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education / Changes to Photo Site Unsplash

Changes to Photo Site Unsplash Lee Skallerup Bessette Unsplash , a popular website for free-to-use high-quality "stock" photographs, has recently changed their licensing for using their photos, going from CC0 to something more bespoke . Much confusion ensued, and is continuing to ensue. Full disclosure, I love(d) using their photographs for the other blog I run and write for . But… I had been, earlier in that same week, Tweeting abouit browsing the Unplash website, using certain search terms to see what kinds of results I got. Anyone else notice how, as wonderful as Unsplash is for CC-0 photos…it's really, really, white? — Lee Skallerup (@readywriting) June 20, 2017 Oh god don't search work… — Lee Skallerup (@readywriting) June 20, 2017 (FYI – Colorstock is a great alternative. But there is a whole other blog post(s) t

NASA News: NASA Awards Contract for Institutional Support Services

NASA Awards Contract for Institutional Support Services NASA has awarded the Kennedy Space Center Institutional Support Services IV (KISS IV) contract to Apache-Logical Joint Venture of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Published June 23, 2017 Read more from NASA Manage this Applet

NASA News: Media Accreditation Open for Launch of NASA’s Newest Communications Satellite

Media Accreditation Open for Launch of NASA's Newest Communications Satellite Media accreditation is open for the launch of NASA's Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS)-M. Liftoff on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida is targeted for 9:02 a.m. EDT Aug. 3, at the opening of a 40-minute launch window. Published June 23, 2017 Read more from NASA Manage this Applet

[RSS] ProfHackerProfHacker - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education / Confronting Your Book Collection

Confronting Your Book Collection Anastasia Salter While spring cleaning may be traditional, summer cleaning fits better with the academic cycle particularly as it tends to be a time of transitions: whether you are moving to a new institution, a new position, or just switching gears on a writing project, summer is an opportunity for addressing both physical and digital clutter. I'm in the midst of my summer cleaning now, but I'm at the point where things always fall apart: trying to reconcile my fixed set of shelf space with the number of books that followed me home from this year's conferences. Over the years of encountering fellow ProfHackers, digital humanists, and other tech-minded academic folks, I've noticed that many of us share a continued fondness for physical media. Sure, electronic books are great, and there's annotation software, digital bookmarks, and even

NASA News: NASA Selects Logistics Management Services Contractor

NASA Selects Logistics Management Services Contractor NASA has selected Lockwood Hills Federal, LLC of Herndon, Virginia, to provide institutional logistics management services for the agency's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California. Published June 22, 2017 Read more from NASA Manage this Applet

NASA News: NASA Awards Contract for Atmospheric Trace-Gas Monitoring Mission

NASA Awards Contract for Atmospheric Trace-Gas Monitoring Mission NASA has awarded a contract to the University of Oklahoma in Norman for a first-of-its-kind Earth science mission that will extend our nation's lead in measuring key carbon-based greenhouse gases and vegetation health from space to advance our understanding of Earth's natural exchanges of carbon between the land, atmosphere and ocean. Published June 22, 2017 Read more from NASA Manage this Applet

NASA News: NASA Opens Media Credentialing for Sept. 15 Cassini Saturn Finale

NASA Opens Media Credentialing for Sept. 15 Cassini Saturn Finale Media accreditation is now open for events around the conclusion of Cassini's mission at Saturn. The spacecraft, which has explored the ringed planet and its moons since 2004, will make a fateful plunge into Saturn's atmosphere on Sept. 15, ending its long and discovery-rich mission. Published June 22, 2017 Read more from NASA Manage this Applet