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Weekend Reading: Fading Summer Edition
Anastasia Salter

Sundial, Perranporth flickr photo by Tim Green aka atoach shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Summer is moving quickly, especially for those of us with semester start times looming just around the corner in August. This is the time of year when deadlines on the calendar are definitely closer than they appear. I for one have found myself increasingly focused on the calendar, but it's important to take a break and find time in summer for recovery and reflection. With that in mind, this week's readings focus on time and transitions.

  • Aimée Morrison's piece Beginnings, Endings, and Transitions may be particularly timely for those of you contemplating an ending: "But some of you, like me, are not so much starting something new on Saturday, but rather ending something. Returning to regular ranks, leaving a position, retiring. Or maybe you are watching others begin new roles while you … do not. These endings and non-startings are important, too. I needed, for myself, some kind of ritual, that I haven't really allowed myself yet, to end this period of my work."

  • Liana M. Silva's article Why Ph.D.s belong in the high school classroom addresses the experience of teaching high school with a PhD: "And as I look back at that moment with the undergraduate, I no longer cringe with self-doubt. Instead, I think it's more useful to flip the question around: Why shouldn't a Ph.D. be in the high school classroom? My students deserve to be in touch with passionate and accomplished scholars — those scholars should not only be in college."

  • Ed Caesar's article for Wired, The Epic Untold Story of Nike's (Almost) Perfect Marathon, documents an intense fusion of training and science in the name of breaking records: "Kipchoge's explanation for why he wanted to attempt a sub-two-hour marathon would sound goofy were it not delivered so earnestly. He told me that he wanted to show ordinary people that they can overcome barriers in their own lives. It was a message he intended to carry not just to fans of the marathon, or to fans of sports in general, but to "8 billion": every single person on the planet."

  • Katherine Cross's The Art of the Real contextualizes the current discourse surrounding trolling and truth: "The "troll" cultures of various online cesspools happen to fit very neatly into an old fascist propaganda technique that relies on producing an unstable reality for democratic subjects. The latter-day incarnation of 4chan, whose political arena is dominated by the white-nationalist /pol/ board, merely adapts these potent fascist tactics to the present circumstances."

  • Danica Savonick's Timekeeping as Feminist Pedagogy looks at the value of timekeeping to ensure equitable distribution of time in the classroom: "I will never forget the feeling of sitting in that chair, fidgeting with sweaty palms and unable to contribute to the conversation because I was so anxious that my turn would never come. And that's basically what happened. I share this anecdote not to blame anyone, but as a reminder that timekeeping is not something that comes naturally to any of us."

And on a lighter note, here's Al Yankovic:

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